Electric Line Technician Essential Skills

Students applying to the Electric Line Technician program must demonstrate sufficient physical and emotional health to be considered fit to participate in program training, and to practice as a professional lineworker in a safe and effective manner.

Skill Description Examples
Motor Skills

Students need physical strength, flexibility, skill, and ease in using their hands to safely perform a lineworker task in class, in the pole yard, or during a field exercise.

The pole yard is where the electric line poles are for climbing and performing lineworker tasks and field exercises. The pole yard is also where the line truck and bucket truck operate.

  • Physical abilities sufficient to perform skills in a hot and cold environment.
  • Physical ability sufficient to work at heights or under structures while carrying tools and equipment.
  • Physical ability to use various hand tools.
  • Ability to learn to climb ladders up to 24 feet in height while carrying tools and equipment.
  • Sufficient motor function to execute hand movements required to operate tools and equipment in bucket trucks and heights over 24 feet. This requires manual dexterity while using Personal Protective Equipment such as rubber gloves and shockproof clothing. Manual dexterity is the ability to use your hands in a skillful, coordinated way to grasp and control objects in small precise movements.
  • Physical ability to coordinate two or more limbs (two arms, two legs or one arm and one leg) while sitting, standing or lying down.
  • Weight-bearing ability sufficient enough to lift and carry weight up to 50 pounds and install equipment overhead. Weight-bearing means the force necessary to work against gravity.

Vision sufficient enough to perform learning tasks in the classroom and the pole yard.

The pole yard is where the electric line poles are for climbing and performing lineworker tasks and field exercises. The pole yard is also where the line truck and bucket truck operate.

  • Ability to learn to identify equipment and use it to perform learning exercises in class and pole yard.
  • Ability to learn to determine appropriate tools needed for the learning task.
  • Visual skills sufficient to distinguish all primary colors.
  • Visual skills are sufficient to see details at close range and recognize safe distances/depths.
  • Have sufficient visual capacity to read prints, diagrams, meters and testers.
Hearing Hearing abilities sufficient to perform the learning tasks in the classroom and while driving the work trucks or engaging in pole yard tasks and field exercises.
  • Sufficient hearing skills to hear tones of various pitches emitted by testers and meters even with nearby/background noise such as trucks, equipment, or machinery.
  • Sufficient hearing skills to hear equipment running/operating to determine if the equipment is operating properly.
Communication The ability to convey information effectively and efficiently in the classroom or during the pole yard learning tasks or field exercises.
  • Ability to learn to listen and communicate effectively with the instructor and other students.
  • Ability to learn to understand/interpret information from textbooks, handouts, diagrams, charts, and tables.
  • Ability to learn to use written and oral communication to demonstrate comprehension of the learned electrical concepts and the ability to learn to use and understand learned hand signals.
  • Ability to learn to recognize and be use electrical terminology.
Critical Thinking/  Problem Solving

Students must be able to learn to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

They must be attentive in the classroom, observe demonstrations and participate in field exercises.

Students must learn to recognize when there is a problem or possible problem.

  • Ability to learn to determine the steps necessary to always consider safety first 
  • Ability to learn to determine appropriate tools needed to repair/install equipment and electrical systems in pole yard lineworker tasks and field exercises.
  • Ability to learn to read and interpret wiring diagrams, meters, gauges, and electrical instruments.
Interpersonal Skills

Students must have sufficient personal skills for successful interactions with faculty, guests in the classroom, and students from various social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds.

They must possess emotional well-being and intellectual abilities to learn and complete all projects and responsibilities in the classroom.

Students will be expected to learn and apply workplace responsibilities.

  • Ability to learn to work cooperatively with partners and groups.
  • Ability to learn interpersonal skills sufficient to interact with classmates under physically and mentally demanding environmental conditions while performing electric lineworker tasks and field exercises in pole yard.
  • Be careful about detail and thoroughness in completing work tasks.
  • Exercise good judgment.
  • Follow safety procedures.
  • Maintain composure, keep emotions in check, control anger, and avoid aggressive behavior, even in difficult situations.
  • Must not have a severe lack of ability to function because of a fear of heights, insects, spiders, snakes, or lizards.
Environmental Tolerance Must be able to learn to adapt to working in an industrial or construction environment.
  • Ability to learn to work effectively in confined spaces such as under structures and heights exceeding 24 feet.
  • Need to be able to tolerate heat and cold.
  • Need to be able to wear hard hats, safety glasses, safety equipment, and PPE as required by the industry and 快色视频.

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